Shivering on Sunart

Three men in a boat - Loch Sunart in mid-winter

This is the tale of a trip to the wilder parts of Scotland in mid-December, and one that came together quite wonderfully well given the preceding forecasts and work getting in the way of the participants. Of course, trailing a boat across to Ardnamurchan for 3 days fishing hardly counts as a great adventure but… Continue reading Shivering on Sunart

Leven Thornbacks

November 11, Ballachulish I’d gone across to Leven with a view to launching at the bridge only to find the slipway is now effectively blocked off by the RIB used by the sea school at Ballachulish, so I ended up slipping Alcatraz at the slate slip alongside the Isles of Glencoe Hotel. Easy enough to… Continue reading Leven Thornbacks

Etive Fireworks

Cadderlie Bothy on Etive

20 October 2012 – Loch Etive Literally! I was sitting in the boat off Barrs last night when suddenly, after an hour of stargazing, the sky was lit up with great flashes of light as a firework display suddenly started up from behind the old lodge on the north shore. Although the spectacle didn’t last… Continue reading Etive Fireworks

12 Feb 2012 – Rays galore at Loch Leven

Weather:Calm, or light WNW wind. Dry and cloudy. Cold Sea:Calm Time:0845-1715 – 8.5 hours Tides:HW0920/LW1530 Given two less than fantastic trips to Loch Etive this year I thought I’d revisit a loch that I’ve not fished for several years – Loch Leven. I snuck the boat in at the old ferry slip under the bridge… Continue reading 12 Feb 2012 – Rays galore at Loch Leven