Afloat on Etive – January 2014

A fine day to be boating on Etive

Alcatraz has been sitting on her trailer since early November and we both badly needed a day out, so the little weather window on Monday was seized with both hands and the boat gear dusted down. Crew on this trip was just my spaniel, who’s not much of a sea dog but really enjoys any… Continue reading Afloat on Etive – January 2014

Dour day on Etive

Shore fishing from the south shore of Etive

Three days of leave, and three days of wet and windy weather – what else could you expect from December in Scotland? However it pretty much killed any interest in taking the boat out, and I found myself heading westwards with the shore rods more out of desperation than any hope of a good days… Continue reading Dour day on Etive

A little bit of everything on the sea lochs

A nice spurdog from Loch Sunart, November 2013

…and that’s just the weather. Flat calm and warm sunshine one minute, followed by vicious squalls with heavy rain and sleet the next. Not quite what was forecast but certainly what we got when Trevor and I headed west for a couple of days on Etive and Sunart. Sort of summarises the fishing too! An… Continue reading A little bit of everything on the sea lochs

A Night Under the Stars

Moonrise over Ben Starav

The end of September probably marks the end of easy camping in Scotland, not so much because of the cold (and it does get cold!), but the nights start to get too long for comfort. In any case I was happy to take the opportunity of a quiet overnight away under canvas, as it’s one… Continue reading A Night Under the Stars

Etive Fireworks

Cadderlie Bothy on Etive

20 October 2012 – Loch Etive Literally! I was sitting in the boat off Barrs last night when suddenly, after an hour of stargazing, the sky was lit up with great flashes of light as a firework display suddenly started up from behind the old lodge on the north shore. Although the spectacle didn’t last… Continue reading Etive Fireworks