Chilled Out Fishing on Loch Etive

A fine evening in late December on Loch Etive

I’m not a great Christmas fan and was happy to escape the house for a spot of chilled out fishing on Loch Etive. You can interpret “chilled out” as you choose, but in the event it did turn out rather more laid back than frigid. I planned to fish afternoon and early evening before picking number one daughter… Continue reading Chilled Out Fishing on Loch Etive

Westward Ho! – Revisiting Lochs Leven and Sunart

Sunart conger

I hadn’t really planned on a trip to the sea lochs, but the forecast was mixed to poor and Trevor was still recovering from the damage inflicted the last time he came fishing with me, so we took the Mr. Sensible route and headed westward – besides which, I haven’t fished Sunart for a couple… Continue reading Westward Ho! – Revisiting Lochs Leven and Sunart

Summer fishing mini-reports

A brace of spurdog

I find I tend not to do too much fishing in the height of summer, if there is such a thing in Scotland, but I do try and wet a line from time to time and here are a few mini-reports that didn’t get the full treatment. An Afternoon on Loch Leven Bonnie and I headed… Continue reading Summer fishing mini-reports

A bit of Surf and Turf in Lochaber

A thornback ray moulds itself to the SIB tube

Yesterday saw me launching the SIB at Ballachulish before six in the morning, after a few hours kip in the car the night before. I made haste, to try and avoid the midges which are well and truly out of hibernation now! I don’t normally bother with Leven at this time of year as the fishing… Continue reading A bit of Surf and Turf in Lochaber

Spurdogs play in the sun on Loch Etive

A spurdog drawn to the boat

I had a better day than expected yesterday, as most recent reports from Loch Etive have been poor, and I thought I’d be struggling. As it turned out however, a decent break with the spurdogs saved the day, whilst unbroken sunshine was the icing on the cake. Alcatraz has been out of water for almost… Continue reading Spurdogs play in the sun on Loch Etive

New Loch Etive Charts and Imagery

A nice ridge near Ardchattan, Loch Etive

A few months ago I mentioned that the UK Hydrographic Office was releasing survey data for many areas which contained much more detailed information than the standard charts from Navionics, etc. When I checked back on their website recently I noticed that a full survey is now available for Loch Etive, mainly using a 2m… Continue reading New Loch Etive Charts and Imagery

Into The Wilderness of Ardmeanach


Ardmeanach lies on the exposed, lonely but very beautiful west coast of Mull. Only twelve miles in the round, it is almost inaccessible in places due to trackless terrain and boulder strewn hills that drop 1500 feet into the sea. The emptiest and most remote part is called simply “The Wilderness”. I’d no idea how much, if… Continue reading Into The Wilderness of Ardmeanach

Two men in a SIB

A baby thornback ray from Loch Leven

It must be a decade since I last fished two men in a SIB, as it’s usually cramped enough for one disorganised angler, let alone two. However Loch Leven ain’t the open Atlantic, and a few hours fishing in calm conditions made it an decent proposition. Apart from the outboard taking a bit of flogging… Continue reading Two men in a SIB

Blast Frozen on Leven

Looking across to Sgorr Dhearg

Now I know what an Ammo sandeel feels like… Out with Ian on the loch yesterday and the wind was blasting down from the east, straight off the snow fields of the Mamores and Rannoch Moor. Frigid! And pointless 🙁 Our total catch was 1 crab and a solitary clappy doo (although in my defence it… Continue reading Blast Frozen on Leven