12 Feb 2012 – Rays galore at Loch Leven

Weather:Calm, or light WNW wind. Dry and cloudy. Cold Sea:Calm Time:0845-1715 – 8.5 hours Tides:HW0920/LW1530 Given two less than fantastic trips to Loch Etive this year I thought I’d revisit a loch that I’ve not fished for several years – Loch Leven. I snuck the boat in at the old ferry slip under the bridge… Continue reading 12 Feb 2012 – Rays galore at Loch Leven

Added a photo gallery

Reckon this site is overdue a few more photographs, so I’ve added a photo gallery for a little more colour. More to come when I sort out the files! Share this:

30 December 2011 – Loch Sunart

Weather: Pretty poor, getting very wet and windy. At least it wasn’t completely frigid! Sea: Nothing too horrible, but some impressive whitecaps in the squalls Time: Launched around 7.30 and returned back of 4 p.m. Tides: HW around 0900 and a largish tide. A combination of fishing starvation and post-Xmas doldrums led to an end… Continue reading 30 December 2011 – Loch Sunart

15 October 2011 – Loch Etive

Weather: Mild night with no wind and some light showers Sea: Calm Time: 2000-2330 – 3.5 hours Tides: It’s been ages since I’ve tried Etive from the shore, and years since I’ve tried the south bank, but I’d identified a decent and fairly accessible spot when dinghy fishing a couple of years ago. Having a… Continue reading 15 October 2011 – Loch Etive