Weather: Sunny and warm, easterly F2 or 3 Sea: Quite choppy, with wind against tide later Time: 1030-1230 – 2 hours Tides: LW 09:51 3.9m tide A quickie first trip of the year from Dunbar, just to see if the coddies were in yet. Rather than get stiffed for a £15 launch fee at the… Continue reading May 4 – Dunbar
Category: Boat fishing
Anything to do with fishing from a boat
April 17-18 – Loch Sunart
Weather: Calm or lightish winds. Overcast on the Sunday and sunny on Monday. Sea: Calm Time: Roughly 1130-1630 on Sunday, and 0730-1530 on Monday – say 13 hours altogether Tides: HW 1822 on Sunday and 0637 Monday (large tide – 4.5m range) March and April are always fairly slow months for salt water anglers, but… Continue reading April 17-18 – Loch Sunart
March 4th 2011 – Loch Carron
Weather: Calm or light SW wind, mainly overcast. Chilly. Sea: Calm, clear and cold Time: Roughly 0845-1445 – 6 hours Tides: LW around 1330 – largish tide I hadn’t been up to Loch Carron for 6 or 7 years, since Ian and I had a windswept week struggling to find a few fish in late… Continue reading March 4th 2011 – Loch Carron
10 Feb 2011 – Loch Etive
A few hours fishing from my Rover inflatable on Loch Etive – chilly but otherwise a beautiful day, with a few thornbacks and spurdogs appearing to keep things interesting.
22 Jan 2011 – Loch Sunart
First time out on the boat for months, thanks to weeks of snow and ice. A bit disappointing in terms of fish, but great to be out once more and blow away a few cobwebs. Judging by the other boats out I wasn’t the only one keen to get on the water again.
20 November – Loch Etive
A fairly typical day at Etive, with decent numbers of thornback and small spurs showing – plus my first ever tagged spurdog recapture. And don’t forget a few mussels picked up for dinner later in the week – a little bonus for the effort spent getting a boat too and from the west coast.
15th August – Loch Etive
More like a family fishing day than my usual efforts, with two kids and a dog for company. Plenty of tiddler spurdogs for amusement, plus a little barbie on the beach miles from anywhere. Lots of sunshine too, so a great day out before it’s back to school next week…
8th August – Dunbar
Codling city off Dunbar – loads of them, although lacking in size. Nice lazy drift up the coast in almost perfect conditions for most of the morning – if only it were like this more often 🙂
1st August – St. Andrews
A good species day – 9 in all – from Ian’s Raider, with some respectable sized codling although not in huge numbers.
17th June 2010 – Dunbar
A great morning out of Dunbar – decent codling, ling and pollack to show for it, as well as a suntan. Makes a change from windburn!