St Andrews can fish quite well in the autumn and early winter, if the weather behaves itself, so I was more than happy to take up Ian’s offer of a trip out even though it was mid-November. The day turned out better than expected with a fairly light SW wind and a bit of sun,… Continue reading A bucketful of codling
Category: Boat fishing
Anything to do with fishing from a boat
A little bit of everything on the sea lochs
…and that’s just the weather. Flat calm and warm sunshine one minute, followed by vicious squalls with heavy rain and sleet the next. Not quite what was forecast but certainly what we got when Trevor and I headed west for a couple of days on Etive and Sunart. Sort of summarises the fishing too! An… Continue reading A little bit of everything on the sea lochs
Hunting off St Andrews
I’d had a cold for the last couple of days and wasn’t expecting to be doing much over the weekend given the forecast wasn’t great either. However an email from Ian suggesting a Saturday trip was too good an offer to refuse, especially since the fishing off St Andrews and the east coast generally had… Continue reading Hunting off St Andrews
A Night Under the Stars
The end of September probably marks the end of easy camping in Scotland, not so much because of the cold (and it does get cold!), but the nights start to get too long for comfort. In any case I was happy to take the opportunity of a quiet overnight away under canvas, as it’s one… Continue reading A Night Under the Stars
Dunbar – last throes of summer?
The forecast for Sunday was terrible, so I opted for a few hours on the Saturday (14th) instead. It’s now September so I needed to pull my finger out somewhat and get enough mackerel for the winter season before the bad weather dispersed the shoals. The cod larder also needed an urgent topup! Mackerel were… Continue reading Dunbar – last throes of summer?
Exploring Mull
Mull is one of the most accessible of the Hebrides, but never seems to get much attention beyond the skate grounds accessible from Oban and Lochaline. Few people other than sea kayakers and yachties seem to be aware of just how stunning it’s more exposed coastline really is. A couple of years ago I whiled… Continue reading Exploring Mull
Summer 2013
What with holidays and family commitments I rarely get the chance to do that much fishing in July and August, and that was true for this year too. The inflatable got wet a couple of times off Skateraw as I headed out in the early morning for a few mackerel and codling, and I met… Continue reading Summer 2013
Angling Heaven – Galloway in June
I love Galloway on many levels – it’s wild but not as bleak as the NW Highlands; has a particularly appealing mix of hills, lochs and sea; plenty of interest for a younger family; and easily the most varied and exciting fishing in mainland Scotland. In recent years I’ve only managed to snatch the odd… Continue reading Angling Heaven – Galloway in June
A late start at Dunbar – 19 May
I think this is the latest I’ve started boat fishing the east coast of Scotland for many years, but the very cold spring and strongish winds haven’t been very inspiring. Even today it was 50:50 whether to try Dunbar or head west. Arriving at the harbour just before seven it was quite misty with a… Continue reading A late start at Dunbar – 19 May
Oban Skate Double (just not for me)
End of March and it’s been bitterly cold and snowy for the last 2 or 3 weeks, with a stiff easterly breeze dampening any enthusiasm at all for fishing. Unfortunately Trevor had a week’s holiday booked and wanted a bit of company for at least one day’s fishing so I rather reluctantly booked a day… Continue reading Oban Skate Double (just not for me)