Fish in the east, fish in the west, but not really the weather to exploit either coast! Faced with the need to check out Alcatraz before an upcoming trip to Galloway I chickened out and made my way over to Etive again, with the furball for company. Having had fairly poor results from down the… Continue reading Pollacked on Loch Etive
Tag: Pollack
Summer fishing mini-reports
I find I tend not to do too much fishing in the height of summer, if there is such a thing in Scotland, but I do try and wet a line from time to time and here are a few mini-reports that didn’t get the full treatment. An Afternoon on Loch Leven Bonnie and I headed… Continue reading Summer fishing mini-reports
Bonus Pollack from Dunbar
Well, I headed out of Dunbar early-ish this morning into a very calm North Sea. There was a small fleet of visiting boats in the harbour – a Mitchell 31 and a couple of other similar sized boats so someone has obviously been fishing their way up (or down) the coast for their summer hols.… Continue reading Bonus Pollack from Dunbar
Indian Summer at St. Andrews
Late summer or early autumn? – either way it was a great day to be out at sea. The harbour at St. Andrews was looking a little different when I turned up late in the morning, with a row of shiny new pontoons sitting in the inner basin and making access much easier than dangling… Continue reading Indian Summer at St. Andrews
6th August 2009 – Dunbar
Weather: Largely sunny; light ENE wind; warm Sea Conditions: Wind against tide most of the day, so a rather awkward choppiness. No swell. Time Spent: 13:00-18:30 – 5.5 hours Tides: 16:00 – 4.9m Probably my best day out of Dunbar this year, although that’s not saying very much. I didn’t get a lot of fish,… Continue reading 6th August 2009 – Dunbar