A Pilgrimage to Sandwood Bay

Sandwood Beach with Spitfire engine

Very remote, often stormy, and always stunning, Sandwood is a broad sandy bay guarded on either end by sandstone cliffs hundreds of feet high which sits in the extreme and rather inaccessible NW corner of the Scottish mainland. Over the years it has acquired an almost mystical reputation as a place to visit, complete with the ghosts of drowned… Continue reading A Pilgrimage to Sandwood Bay

SIBing the Avalanche Shelter at Loch Carron

Fish on

It’s been four years since my last visit to Loch Carron, mainly because it’s over 200 miles and 4+ hours away, and because the fishing is OK rather than good. However it’s a fine place to visit and I could do with a change from the standard winter choices of Etive or Leven, so the… Continue reading SIBing the Avalanche Shelter at Loch Carron

A New Theme for Corkwing

The weather was a little too crap to bother with the fishing rods at this time of year, so I spent a little while playing with a new look for the site. It’s not fully finished yet, but virtually everything should be visible. Hopefully it’s a fairly clean and uncluttered look… Share this:

My earlier post on creating personal charts using UKHO data highlighted the amount of freely available, detailed, survey information available.

I’ve now updated and renamed my old DrDepth page to include a more detailed “how to” guide to using ReefMaster software to create personalised charts for use in Lowrance and similar kit.

The topic may seem a little technical but there is some very useful information out there without working up too much of a sweat (just browsing the UKHO imagery will show features that do not stand out on Navionics or C-Map charts).

A series of large sandbanks show clearly in Reefmaster, but are unrecognisable in many other electronic charts
A series of large sandbanks show clearly in Reefmaster, but are unrecognisable in many other electronic charts
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A Trickle of Thornbacks

Paps of Glencoe as the light fades

A lovely sunrise over Rannoch Moor had turned into a somewhat greyer and rawer day at Ballachulish, but it was still and calm as Ian and I launched and headed over to the fish farm and anchored up in search of thornbacks. First fish came a few minutes later when my little spinning rod bent over to the unmistakeable struggle of… Continue reading A Trickle of Thornbacks