Etive shines

Alcatraz lies to anchor

Etive is an wildly beautiful place (at times!), and it’s surprisingly unspoilt the upper loch is given how accessible it is from the central belt. Even if it was a fishless desert its upper reaches would attract anyone wanting to experience the beauty of raw nature and the almost complete silence that goes with no roads… Continue reading Etive shines

Charting Scotland

3D image of one of the peaks off Dunbar, generated by Reefmaster using UKHO survey data

Anyone fishing the areas around Mull and the sea lochs such as Etive, Sunart and Linnhe will be aware of the limitations of both the paper and electronic charts for the area, as most are based on very limited and old survey data. Widely spaced soundings can make it difficult to visualise the landscape underwater,… Continue reading Charting Scotland

Inshore codding off Skateraw

Even a small surf can make for a wet landing in a small boat

Given the weekend is probably going to be a washout for boat fishing, I nipped out of Skateraw for a short session on Friday afternoon.  The weather was calm, but with a small swell running from the NE. First up were a few mackerel for bait, and I took a few shots with the GoPro… Continue reading Inshore codding off Skateraw

Fishing the Haar

Inshore ling of 9lbs

Anyone fishing the east of Scotland gets very familiar with the summer haar, or thick mist that rolls in from the sea after a few days of fine, settled weather. Often it burns off by late morning, but it can last for days as a thick blanket limiting visibility to a few 10s of metres.… Continue reading Fishing the Haar

At Last! – Back in Action

Not large, but still beautiful - a Galloway bass

After being out of action with a damaged leg for almost three months, the last day of May saw a good forecast and I decided to try my luck down at Isle of Whithorn and Wigtown Bay. Alcatraz has managed the grand total of 1 day out in 6 months so it took a while to check everything over… Continue reading At Last! – Back in Action

SIB-ing in Winter

Preparing to head home after a winter day's inflatable fishing on Loch Leven

It’s been ages since I had the little inflatable out for a run, but Friday was looking good weatherwise, so it was shoved in the back of the car and we headed over towards Ballachulish and Loch Leven for the day. Arriving at the slate slip I found it completely blocked by a large pontoon… Continue reading SIB-ing in Winter

Afloat on Etive – January 2014

A fine day to be boating on Etive

Alcatraz has been sitting on her trailer since early November and we both badly needed a day out, so the little weather window on Monday was seized with both hands and the boat gear dusted down. Crew on this trip was just my spaniel, who’s not much of a sea dog but really enjoys any… Continue reading Afloat on Etive – January 2014