5th July 2009 – Dunbar

Weather: Calm or light E/SE wind. Dry and fairly sunny. Thunderstorm just after I landed which soaked me as I was sorting out the trailer.
Sea Conditions: Fairly calm, with only a 2-3 foot swell
Time Spent: 0530-1230 – 7 hours
Tides: LW 0930 – moderate tide

Kicked off at the River Garry, but the fishing here was very slow, with only a handful of mackerel, a codling and a ling to show for my drifts. Given the weather was holding OK I headed out to the redfish mark and spent an hour and a half drifting the peaks, again with little to show for my efforts apart from a couple of codling, a ling and some poor cod. Back to the River Garry and there was still nothing showing so I headed over to Torness and fished my usual patch of ground to pick up decent numbers of codling (at last) and a few more mackerel.

Final score was just under 30 codling, to around 4.5lbs, so respectable enough. Kept a few for the freezer but most are still out there.

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