Sunart Camp and Fish

It’s been ages since I fished Loch Sunart, so it was high time for a camp and fish session on this beautiful sea loch. Trevor joined me for this trip at the very end of October sandwiched, as usual, between autumn winds. We planned to camp in the very sheltered waters of Loch na Droma… Continue reading Sunart Camp and Fish

Westward Ho! – Revisiting Lochs Leven and Sunart

Sunart conger

I hadn’t really planned on a trip to the sea lochs, but the forecast was mixed to poor and Trevor was still recovering from the damage inflicted the last time he came fishing with me, so we took the Mr. Sensible route and headed westward – besides which, I haven’t fished Sunart for a couple… Continue reading Westward Ho! – Revisiting Lochs Leven and Sunart

A little bit of everything on the sea lochs

A nice spurdog from Loch Sunart, November 2013

…and that’s just the weather. Flat calm and warm sunshine one minute, followed by vicious squalls with heavy rain and sleet the next. Not quite what was forecast but certainly what we got when Trevor and I headed west for a couple of days on Etive and Sunart. Sort of summarises the fishing too! An… Continue reading A little bit of everything on the sea lochs

Shivering on Sunart

Three men in a boat - Loch Sunart in mid-winter

This is the tale of a trip to the wilder parts of Scotland in mid-December, and one that came together quite wonderfully well given the preceding forecasts and work getting in the way of the participants. Of course, trailing a boat across to Ardnamurchan for 3 days fishing hardly counts as a great adventure but… Continue reading Shivering on Sunart

30 December 2011 – Loch Sunart

Weather: Pretty poor, getting very wet and windy. At least it wasn’t completely frigid! Sea: Nothing too horrible, but some impressive whitecaps in the squalls Time: Launched around 7.30 and returned back of 4 p.m. Tides: HW around 0900 and a largish tide. A combination of fishing starvation and post-Xmas doldrums led to an end… Continue reading 30 December 2011 – Loch Sunart

April 17-18 – Loch Sunart

Weather: Calm or lightish winds. Overcast on the Sunday and sunny on Monday. Sea: Calm Time: Roughly 1130-1630 on Sunday, and 0730-1530 on Monday – say 13 hours altogether Tides: HW 1822 on Sunday and 0637 Monday (large tide – 4.5m range) March and April are always fairly slow months for salt water anglers, but… Continue reading April 17-18 – Loch Sunart

22 Jan 2011 – Loch Sunart

First time out on the boat for months, thanks to weeks of snow and ice. A bit disappointing in terms of fish, but great to be out once more and blow away a few cobwebs. Judging by the other boats out I wasn’t the only one keen to get on the water again.