Weather: Largely sunny; light ENE wind; warm Sea Conditions: Wind against tide most of the day, so a rather awkward choppiness. No swell. Time Spent: 13:00-18:30 – 5.5 hours Tides: 16:00 – 4.9m Probably my best day out of Dunbar this year, although that’s not saying very much. I didn’t get a lot of fish,… Continue reading 6th August 2009 – Dunbar
Tag: cod
25th July 2009 – Dunbar
Weather: Initially cool, with a F2-3 NW breeze (F2-3) until early pm, but warmed up a lot in the sunshine. Sea Conditions: Wind against tide, but clear. Underlying 3-4 foot swell from N Time Spent: 0700-1530 – 8.5 hours Tides: LW 1144 – Large tide I took Bonnie with me today, as she’d be home… Continue reading 25th July 2009 – Dunbar
5th July 2009 – Dunbar
Weather: Calm or light E/SE wind. Dry and fairly sunny. Thunderstorm just after I landed which soaked me as I was sorting out the trailer. Sea Conditions: Fairly calm, with only a 2-3 foot swell Time Spent: 0530-1230 – 7 hours Tides: LW 0930 – moderate tide Kicked off at the River Garry, but the… Continue reading 5th July 2009 – Dunbar
12th April 2009 – St Andrews
Weather: Bright and sunny, but a very chilly E wind which gradually Sea Conditions: Underlying 2-3 foot swell. Clear water Time Spent: 1400-1900 – 5 hours Tides: HW Approx 16:30 Large tide Fished with Ian from his boat. I dug bait beforehand and collected a fair amount of lug and rag, plus a bucket of… Continue reading 12th April 2009 – St Andrews