6th December 2009 – Loch Sunart

Third and last day of our sojourn to Sunart, and the weather pretty much killed it as the wind rose to a three quarters gale and the anchor eventually couldn’t hold us properly. Only a handful of fish to show for our efforts before we called it quits in the early afternoon.

4th December 2009 – Loch Sunart

Ian and I decided on a three day trip across to Sunart in search of spurdog and skate, the latest in a long line of weekends spent across there. Day 1 proved to be fairly slow, although I did winch up a skate from over 400 feet of water on a spinning rod – pity it was only 10lbs or so in weight!

4th October 2009

Weather: Generally good, with a fair bit of sunshine. Initially no wind, later a F2-3 Sea Conditions: Calm, lot of fresh water on surface (esp near head of loch) Time Spent: 0830-1830 – 10 hours Tides: 0743 GMT – 1.9m Started off at Ardchattan, using a small groundbait block alongside the anchor. This produced immediate… Continue reading 4th October 2009