Weather: S-SW wind 2-4, mainly overcast, a little drizzle. Mild Sea Conditions: Clear, with a 1-2 foot wave Time Spent: 1600-2030 – 4.5 hours Tides: First time up in Aberdeen for a few months, and marks like the Red Rock were crowded with mackerel bashers. Altens was empty as usual so I set up a… Continue reading 30th August 2009 – Aberdeen
Category: Shore fishing
Anything to do with shore fishing and sea angling, mainly around Scotland. Trip reports over the past few years together with images and video. If you’re after info just on Loch Etive or Loch Leven, etc. you can click on the named category. That will just pull back reports for those venues, but covering both boat and shore fishing.
6th March 2009 – Tynningham Beach, North Berwick
Weather: Calm or light west wind, dry but cool Sea Conditions: Some surf from NE Time Spent: 1800-2100 – 3 hours Tides: LW1630 Nothing caught at all, despite fresh bait (mackerel and lug). Nice evening though Share this:
1st February 2009 – Aberdeen
Weather: Dry, overcast, with a SE 4-5 blowing. Cold but not too frigid Sea Conditions: Pretty rough, with a SE swell running 8-12 feet and a fair bit of colour. Time Fishing: 0700-1330 – 6,5 hours Tides: LW 10:30 – smallish tide Armed with some hard won lugworm I decided on an early morning start… Continue reading 1st February 2009 – Aberdeen
18th January 2009 – Aberdeen
Weather: Dry, with a variable SW wind – anything from 10-25 knots. Sunny for much of the time. Sea Conditions: Quite rough, with a SSE swell of up to 10 feet, dying slightly during the morning. Some colour, but not a real chocolate appearance. Time Fishing: 0745 – 1130 – 3.75 hours Tides: HW approx… Continue reading 18th January 2009 – Aberdeen