3 July 2011 – St Andrews

Weather: Light E wind, dry and sunny
Sea Conditions: A moderate (4 foot or so) swell from the NE, but water was clear
Time: 1330-1900 – 5.5 hours
Tides: LW approx 1040, largish tide

Fished with Ian and Tim on Ian’s Raider, taking advantage of our rare tee-shirt weather. Mackerel were a bit elusive to start with but we managed a couple for bait and started drift fishing for codling. Although light, the wind was running against tide so the rate of drift was pretty slow and the fishing was steady rather than rapid fire. Best illustration of this was me catching 3 scorpian fish, more than I normally catch in a year, as we crawled across the bottom. There were good numbers of smallish codling about and I ended up with 26, so the boat total must have been respectable – certainly more than 60, which isn’t to be sneezed at.

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