Sunart Camp and Fish

It’s been ages since I fished Loch Sunart, so it was high time for a camp and fish session on this beautiful sea loch. Trevor joined me for this trip at the very end of October sandwiched, as usual, between autumn winds. We planned to camp in the very sheltered waters of Loch na Droma… Continue reading Sunart Camp and Fish

Exploring Etive

I don’t visit Etive much over the summer as there are usually better options and I prefer to reserve her charms for the harsher winter months. However, with windy conditions elsewhere Etive seemed worth a bash, perhaps exploring some different tactics and marks. I started late in the day and it was nearly sunset by… Continue reading Exploring Etive

Looping Lorne

Port nan Crullach, Mull

Regular readers will know I like to explore the marvelous coasts of western Scotland. Islands, beaches, cliffs and an airy feeling of freedom as I just cruise along. Fish and sunshine are a bonus, but not that hard to find on the right day! My plan was to loop round the Firth of Lorne, launching… Continue reading Looping Lorne

Peace and Quiet on Etive

Boat camping on Etive

I’m often across at Etive over the winter months, both on my boat and from the shore. Whilst the fishing is unspectacular, it is one of the most sheltered places to sea fish in a very windy country. If, like me, you enjoy scenery, solitude and the smoke of a campfire, then Etive is also… Continue reading Peace and Quiet on Etive

Exploring Rum, Eigg and Skye

The Small Isles – Rum & Eigg When the wind and sea allow, I like to take a longer trip in the boat. Normally I potter around doing a little fishing, a little fossicking about and quite a lot of general chilling. Generally that means somewhere up the west coast of Scotland, usually exploring one… Continue reading Exploring Rum, Eigg and Skye

Cruising around Mull

Wow. A great way to spend an evening

With the lazy, hazy days of summer appearing endless, I thought I’d better take advantage of the best weather I’m ever likely to see in Scotland. Thinking cap on and after running through a fair list of possibilities, I elected to have another run around the Isle of Mull. There’s better fishing to be had elsewhere, but… Continue reading Cruising around Mull

Corryvreckan and Jura

Sea otter in the Sound of Islay, off Jura

A couple of years ago I sketched out a plan to take a boat around the Isle of Jura, more just to explore this remote place than to do any serious fishing. Of course, doing so involves traversing the Gulf of Corryvreckan which, depending on who you believe, is either the second or third largest whirlpool in the world…… Continue reading Corryvreckan and Jura