Ian and I managed a brief foray to Galloway chasing huss and tope at the very start of June. It’s a great time of year to target numbers of pack tope in Luce Bay, with the chance of some larger fish too. We didn’t get launched until early afternoon and the sea was a little… Continue reading Hassling Huss (and Tope)
Bushwacked in the Galloway Forest
I’d love to say that all my trips work out as planned, but it just ain’t true… This little session in the Galloway forest is just one example of many that go awry! My plan was simple enough – hike and fish my way up one of the many burns, camp overnight at a hill… Continue reading Bushwacked in the Galloway Forest
Dunbar Pollack
The sun rises early in May, and I drove east and directly into it for almost an hour before reaching Thortonloch. I was out searching for pollack and codling off Dunbar and this is nice little beach to launch from. I very much prefer the quiet of the early morning before the world awakes as… Continue reading Dunbar Pollack
Codling Galore
Well, that was a good trip! Fishing has been very slow recently on the east coast (unless you like wee coalies). When Ian invited me out for a session on his Raider 18 my expectations were on the low side! Still, mid-May is when things generally kick off and the weather looked decent, so why… Continue reading Codling Galore
Rannoch Trout
I first fished this loch just 2 years ago and fell in love with it. The fish aren’t large but it is a wonderful, maze-like mix of islands and shallow bays set firmly in the harshness of Rannoch Moor. Easily accessible from the main Glencoe road it is easy to lose both the traffic and… Continue reading Rannoch Trout
Exploring Loch Hourn – 3 Days in Hell!
Part of the fun of fishing around the west coast is exploring new territory from time to time. You need decent weather but there are plenty quiet nooks and crannies along this coastline. So, after a long winter I happily seized the opportunity for a closer look at Loch Nevis and Loch Hourn. My plan… Continue reading Exploring Loch Hourn – 3 Days in Hell!
Luckless on Loch Leven
I’ve always had very mixed success on Loch Leven, and never figured out quite why. Anything from over 70 thornbacks to double figures in a day, down to struggling to catch just 1. Still, it’s a easy venue to fish and worth a punt every now and again – so Ian and I decided to… Continue reading Luckless on Loch Leven
Struggle for Skate
Win some, lose some, but today’s skate session turned into a bit of a struggle to catch anything. You can’t fault us for trying though! Ian and I launched my Longliner at Puffin Divers before skirting the south side of Kerrera. Out past Bach Island we despatched the anchor to the ooze some 500 feet… Continue reading Struggle for Skate
East Coast Cod
Chasing cod on the east coast of Scotland in early February from a boat is a very chancy business. Usually the odds are stacked against you even if the weather plays nice. Happily, today was a little different 🙂 The first hour or two saw us plugging away catching a few codling and small pollack… Continue reading East Coast Cod
Etive Kayak with a Hot Tent
Back over to Etive again, this time taking the kayak for its first 2023 outing. I’d thought about hiking in, but the kayak is definitely easier when you’re lugging a tent stove and wood along. I dropped my battered Perception Triumph into a virtual mirror up at the head of the loch and cheerfully overloaded… Continue reading Etive Kayak with a Hot Tent