I’m lagging way behind with Corkwing so I thought I’d better bring 2023 to a finale whilst I can still remember anything! So a couple of quick west coast reports to finish the year… Lacklustre Leven Although there are a wide range of species available in the loch, I generally target thornbacks here. Unfortunately I’ve… Continue reading 2023 Finale
Bike for Pike
Finally!! A decent haul of pike proves I’m not a complete numpty when it comes to these fish. Easily my best day predator bashing for decades (possibly ever) 🙂 Just need to work on their size now 🙂 This November trip targetted a remote corner of a remote loch, one I’ve only fished once or… Continue reading Bike for Pike
Lazy Kayak Camp on Loch Etive
I could have titled this post in any number of ways, but Loch Etive is really just food for the soul. A couple of days of splendid isolation surrounded by woods, mountains and the sea, with a few fish chucked in for free. This overnighter was back towards the end of October, so this report… Continue reading Lazy Kayak Camp on Loch Etive
Paddling Loch Ba
Loch Ba is a stunning little loch for paddling, even if it doesn’t hold sizeable fish. I love exploring the many little islets and bouncing off it’s many hidden rocks. It’s also been ages since I first paddled my Ally canoe, so high time to get afloat again before winter sets in. I launched onto… Continue reading Paddling Loch Ba
Sleat Spurries
I’ve been trying my luck in area between Skye and the mainland a few times in recent years. There’s decent fishing and the Sleat area is is beautiful and relatively sheltered compared to the rest of Skye. The downside is the long haul to get there… Ian was boat buddy on this trip and we… Continue reading Sleat Spurries
Pollack and Wrasse
A couple of weeks ago I ventured out onto the North Sea on Ian’s Raider. I’d taken along some ragworm, with a view to tackling the numerous wrasse that live close inshore, whilst pollack and codling were also on the cards. The sea was flat, one of those days where it’s hard to tell where… Continue reading Pollack and Wrasse
Exploring Etive
I don’t visit Etive much over the summer as there are usually better options and I prefer to reserve her charms for the harsher winter months. However, with windy conditions elsewhere Etive seemed worth a bash, perhaps exploring some different tactics and marks. I started late in the day and it was nearly sunset by… Continue reading Exploring Etive
Paddling Hourn
I enjoyed my trip to Knoydart back in March, and haven’t been out in the kayak for a while, so I combined the two with some paddling in Loch Hourn in late July. Mind you, I can still see the tick bites on my ankles… I launched on the shoreline at Arnisdale, pretty much the… Continue reading Paddling Hourn
East Coast Skate
Roughly a month ago I managed a couple of back to back days fishing the east coast. Day 1 was a nice little trip out of St. Andrews, whilst day 2 was a visit to Trev in the wilds of Aberdeenshire. Back at St. Andrews I met up with Ian and we headed out into… Continue reading East Coast Skate
Sizzling at Sandwood
As regular readers will know, Sandwood and the country north to Cape Wrath is a favourite of mine. I do try and get there at least once a year, as much just to escape humankind as to do any fishing. I’m always careful to choose my weather, as the far NW experience is hugely dependant… Continue reading Sizzling at Sandwood