I enjoyed my trip to Knoydart back in March, and haven’t been out in the kayak for a while, so I combined the two with some paddling in Loch Hourn in late July. Mind you, I can still see the tick bites on my ankles… I launched on the shoreline at Arnisdale, pretty much the… Continue reading Paddling Hourn
Category: West Coast
Anything relating to Scottish west coast and sea lochs, and exploring and fishing them. This is a catch-all category for posts that don’t fall neatly into one of my usual fishing grounds. For example, posts about Loch Etive are shown in a category of that name. For SW Scotland have a look at Galloway.
Sizzling at Sandwood
As regular readers will know, Sandwood and the country north to Cape Wrath is a favourite of mine. I do try and get there at least once a year, as much just to escape humankind as to do any fishing. I’m always careful to choose my weather, as the far NW experience is hugely dependant… Continue reading Sizzling at Sandwood
Exploring Loch Hourn – 3 Days in Hell!
Part of the fun of fishing around the west coast is exploring new territory from time to time. You need decent weather but there are plenty quiet nooks and crannies along this coastline. So, after a long winter I happily seized the opportunity for a closer look at Loch Nevis and Loch Hourn. My plan… Continue reading Exploring Loch Hourn – 3 Days in Hell!
Luckless on Loch Leven
I’ve always had very mixed success on Loch Leven, and never figured out quite why. Anything from over 70 thornbacks to double figures in a day, down to struggling to catch just 1. Still, it’s a easy venue to fish and worth a punt every now and again – so Ian and I decided to… Continue reading Luckless on Loch Leven
Struggle for Skate
Win some, lose some, but today’s skate session turned into a bit of a struggle to catch anything. You can’t fault us for trying though! Ian and I launched my Longliner at Puffin Divers before skirting the south side of Kerrera. Out past Bach Island we despatched the anchor to the ooze some 500 feet… Continue reading Struggle for Skate
Etive Kayak with a Hot Tent
Back over to Etive again, this time taking the kayak for its first 2023 outing. I’d thought about hiking in, but the kayak is definitely easier when you’re lugging a tent stove and wood along. I dropped my battered Perception Triumph into a virtual mirror up at the head of the loch and cheerfully overloaded… Continue reading Etive Kayak with a Hot Tent
Could Do Better…
My alternative title was “Couldn’t do worse”, so perhaps not the trip of a lifetime! Trevor and I raided a remote spot on the west coast and failed rather badly 🙁 We started with high hopes, as we’ve fished here from my boat before, and very successfully. The old forestry pier we planned to try… Continue reading Could Do Better…
A New Year Camp’n’Fish
I’m a couple of decades the wrong side of 40, and the appeal of a New Year hangover has definitely waned. I’m hardly alone in that, so I teamed up with another old(ish)-timer and headed over to Etive on New Year’s Day. We had low expectations of the fishing, so this was really an overnight… Continue reading A New Year Camp’n’Fish
Early November on Etive
This winter I’ve promised to wean myself off Etive, at least a little bit, and try some other overnight locations. However I love camping and fishing here over the colder months and it will definitely still feature prominently! This early November trip on Etive won’t be the only one 🙂 I kicked off down near… Continue reading Early November on Etive
Chunky Sleat Spurdog
I’m falling way behind now, as this trip was weeks ago, so forgive me if details blur a little. Launching again at Dornie, we planned a repeat of our previous Sleat spurdog trip. This time myself, Trev and Ian and a load of camping gear were all crammed aboard. Our first stop was brief, drifting… Continue reading Chunky Sleat Spurdog