Slow Drift at Dunbar

Dunbar pollack and codling

I’d my first foray from Dunbar at the end of June, on a beautiful but rather too calm morning. Launching into a glass-like harbour I nosed out past the castle around half-six. I stopped just outside the harbour and hoping for mackerel, plonked a set of sabikis over the gunwhale. Leaving them to fish by… Continue reading Slow Drift at Dunbar

Haddock Suppers

It’s that time of year again, when the permafrost becomes a little less permanent and Freezerburgh hits 5 degrees at noon. Haddock sneak in past the trawlers and Ian and I don thermals and head north to catch our suppers. OK, Trevor hasn’t lost any fingers to frostbite yet, but NE Scotland does have a… Continue reading Haddock Suppers

Kayak Camping on Etive

No fishing in the title, and little in reality, but I’d a superb weekend kayak camping on Etive earlier in March. Sunshine over snow capped mountains, sea ice on the lochs and perfect kayaking conditions. Fishing can happily take a back seat at times! I popped the yak in amongst the mini ice-floes surrounding Glen… Continue reading Kayak Camping on Etive