Loch Linnhe

With more wet and windy weather on the cards we retreated to the sheltered inner lochs for a session at the end of May. Not that it looked or felt much different to the end of February! Loch Linnhe was the venue and we launched at Corpach Marina, looking for skate and rays.

With three aboard we’d a fairly slow chug down the loch, although we reached our mark in less than 30 minutes. Of course it was raining by then, although the breeze held off.

Fishing proved a waiting game, with very little to show for our efforts. We captured a few dogfish and a handful of small rays during the morning but it was dead compared to previous sessions on Loch Linnhe. I think the most obvious difference was the complete absence of any tide run – there was simply none whatsover.

Later in the day we got a trickle of tide and fishing picked up a little. Some better rays and small skate appeared but it was still pretty downbeat stuff.

In the end we managed a skate apiece and a handful of rays but fishing was well down on expectations. Which sort of matches the weather quite nicely 🙁

One point of interest – Trevor’s skate came up with a “tail” to tell. It had swallowed a modest sized thornback ray, whose tail was still sticking out its gob. First time I’ve ever seen that! I’m pretty sure that Ian’s fish also spat out a dogfish just at the surface. Life on the seabed certainly looks pretty brutal!!

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