Codling Galore

A good looking cod :-)

Well, that was a good trip! Fishing has been very slow recently on the east coast (unless you like wee coalies). When Ian invited me out for a session on his Raider 18 my expectations were on the low side! Still, mid-May is when things generally kick off and the weather looked decent, so why not 🙂

We’d a slow start, probing a few different marks with little success. My first codling of the new season was this little specimen, quickly returned to grow bigger. Encouraging to see something other than a coalie though!

Happily, things took off nicely after an hour or so and we were soon pulling some better specimens aboard.

Ian was first with a bigger fish, and this nicely conditioned cod went around 6|8|0.

A fine 6lb+ cod for Ian

Mackerel baited muppet rigs were doing the business today, with 80% of the cod hitting the bottom hooks.

Baited muppets were most productive

I pipped Ian by an ounce or two with this nice fish. It looked a little more beaten up than Ian’s cod, but was still in decent condition for this time of year.

Fish of the day, a cod of around 6 1/2lbs
Same cod, without the grinning eejit!

We did anchor for a while and had a few casts for pollack. Ian had this nice fish (a little over 5lbs if my memory is correct), but that was it.

Ian and the only pollack

Totals were around 60-65 codling, with 4 over the 6lbs mark, so pretty decent fishing. Only the one pollack and a small number of little coalfish. Definitely a day that exceeded expectations!

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One comment

  1. A great day out for the boys & I won’t even make any remarks about muppets either. Beadnell tomorrow for me, fingers crossed !

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